Oral Cancer Screening − Warren, MI

Early detection is key in the battle against cancer & this is no different with oral cancer. Even if you don’t smoke, keep in mind that 25% of oral cancer diagnoses are for non-smokers. It’s important that every patient receive a simple & pain-free oral cancer screening from Dr. Yousif.

Risk factors for oral cancer include:

  • Tobacco use (smoking, chewing & dip)
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Poor diet
  • HPV (human papilloma virus)
  • Age (higher risk over 40 years old)

Oral cancer doesn’t always cause symptoms in the early stages, which is why it’s important to have a screening that can detect potential problems before they’re visible to the naked eye or cause sensations.

Remember that when caught early, oral cancer has an 80 to 90% survival rate. So be sure to ask the dentist or the hygienist for your annual screening!

Appointments Available After Work or School & On Saturdays!

Book Online or Call Today!